A Clean Slate

Have you ever prayed for a second chance, for the opportunity to start over from scratch — only to find yourself confronted with a blank page and an odd mix of exhilaration and terror? Or not knowing what to do next? It's alluring to think about icons of infinite creative possibility such as an empty canvas, an untilled field, or a blank page. In reality, life transitions such as parenthood, divorce, career change, moving, losses, and successes can include moments of both hope and fear. Sometimes we intentionally seek a fresh start; other times, the blank slate is thrust upon us, unwelcome and unwanted. When the slate is being cleaned for a new beginning, emotions may emerge that are difficult to deal with. Stay with it. Your emotions are your inner GPS, letting you know whether your thoughts lead you away from or closer to Source.

The birth of anything new is typically preceded by effort and messiness. Before we can enjoy the newness of a home remodeling project or the order of a clean closet, we must first contend with destruction and disorder that can look and feel worse than how we started. The moment between what was and what is to be can be temporarily disorienting. It may require being still, cultivating our self-awareness and self-reflection, and directing our attention to the Source of creation. The practice of being mindfully aware of the Source within as the creative potential within can help when navigating life's transitions. The technique can be done in many different ways. Core methods such as spiritual mind treatment, meditation, and mindfulness serve to observe the mind peacefully. Consider, also, those activities that feed your spirit, such as sacred service, nature, time with friends, music, creative endeavors, laughter, etc.

Finally, during these times of change, honor your body, feed it with healthy food, and get plenty of sleep.

If you would like to read more about the spiritual practices of Centers for Spiritual Living, please visit us online here: Spiritual Tools - Centers for Spiritual Living (csl.org)

Centers for Spiritual Living

Our MISSION is to provide spiritual tools for personal and global transformation.

Our PURPOSE is to awaken humanity to its spiritual magnificence.

Our VISION is a world that works for everyone.

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