Ethnic and Cultural Genocide. Centers for Spiritual Living Spiritually Motivated Social Engagement Committee

Centers for Spiritual Living communities worldwide begin the month of June with the weekly theme "Pushed by Pain." All around the world, on any given day, the pain is real, visceral, palpable, and it points to the truth that we are living in a time of great transformation. We are both the agents of healing transformation and the ones impacted by that transformation. As such, we have an opportunity to lean into the transformational power of our emotions so that we can make our way through to our inherent wholeness. This is especially important when we hear about atrocities that have been committed across generations and nations, from the Nazis and the holocaust, the brutality of the Khmer Rouge in Cambodia, South Africa's apartheid, the Tulsa/Greenwood massacre, and very recently, the discovery of 215 bodies of indigenous children in Canada which exposes the systemic racism and cultural genocide.

A discovery of this magnitude feels not only unbelievable but unbearable. It isn't until we know the depth of our feelings that we can put into practice what our teaching declares: "There is nothing to heal, only truth to be revealed."

What is the truth here that wants to be revealed?

What is the consciousness we are being called to shift?

How do we lay the foundation of a world that indeed does work for all and not for a select few?

Let each of us ask ourselves and each other these questions and use our dialogues to access the truth and the healing power of our teaching.

The corollary to "pushed by pain" is "pulled by vision."

Our faith in the Divine in us, as well as our vision of a healthy, loving world, is what strengthens our conviction that beyond the pain lies transformation. As spiritual beings, we are called to develop the capacity to hold pain, and notice the impulse to move too quickly out of it.

Truth-telling and restorative justice practices have been a powerful agent of healing and transformation in Australia, Canada, the United States, and colonized African countries, as well as in the Catholized countries of the Americas. Truth reveals, heals, and prepares the way to recognize and commit to the deep work that lies before us. We invite you to join us in spiritual mind treatment for our world and also to learn more about the truth and reconciliation projects across the globe in the resources section below.

Let us hold each other in our hearts with compassion as together we traverse the physical and emotional valleys and shadows of unjust death.


The National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation, Canada

The NCTR is a place of learning and dialogue where the truths of the residential school experience will be honored and kept safe for future generations.

Truth, Justice, and Reconciliation Commission, USA

The formation process of local Truth, Justice, and Reconciliation Commissions in the first three pilot cities of Boston, Philadelphia, and San Francisco.

Truth and Reconciliation Commission of South Africa

"...a commission is a necessary exercise to enable South Africans to come to terms with their past on a morally accepted basis and to advance the cause of reconciliation." - Mr. Dullah Omar, former Minister of Justice, South Africa

The Conversation, Article by Bonny Ibhawaoh, McMaster University

As long as unresolved historic injustices continue to fester in the world, there will be a demand for truth commissions. Unfortunately, there is no end to the need.

Spiritually Motivated Social Engagement Committee
Rev. Edward Viljoen, DD, Spiritual Leader
Rev. Masando Hiraoka, Chair
Rev. Martha Quintana, Global Services
Ayodele McClenney, Liaison to the Leadership Council
Rev. Cassandra Rae
Rev. Cindy Grimes
Rev. D. Jacquelyn Edwards
Rev. Dr. Raymont Anderson
Rev. Savanna Riker

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