Yes, Really, Love One Another! by Rev. D. Jaqueline Edwards

Ultimately we shall see that the Universe rests on the shoulders of Love; that God is Love; and that all the errors of man are the result of ignorance of his own true nature. 
Holmes, Ernest.
The Science of Mind: The Definitive Edition (pp. 433-434). 

So, what on Earth, or Venus or Mars or Jupiter, or wherever, does Love One Another, mean?  Well, there is the “You know what it means” answer, and then there’s the “Yeah, right” answer.  And then, there is the “Let’s walk through this together” answer, which is the one I invite us to explore together.  And I do mean us, you and me, together. So, I have this really [intellectually] deep and profound understanding, of what it means to love one another.  I bet you do too.  I also know and understand that the whole Love thing is meaningless if it does not have feeling behind it.  I know that I have to, in principle, love the January 6 insurrectionists and would-be assassins that attacked the US Capital.  I really, really do know this.  However, as it is already February and I have not been able to bully myself into loving these folks, I decided to try other approaches.  I am happy to report that I am making progress.

Approach #1: I decided to try the transference thing.  You know, the exercise where you think of someone you actually love, feel that energy, and then ‘transfer’ that energy to the one you might be having a little more difficulty with.  Well, there was some success with that when I used it on insurrectionists sympathizers, but not the ones who were actually taking part in the activities of January 6th.   Just a wee bit of success, but movement is good.  Ok, it was microscopic.  At the rate I was going, I would be embracing all of them by sometime around 2080ish! Clearly, another approach was needed! 

Okay Rev. Jacquelyn (kinda like when your Mom uses your whole name), what do you know for sure?

What I know for sure is that one of God’s promises is that if I take the first step, Spirit will do the rest.

Okay, then what is the first step?

I think the first step is to be willing.  Yes, that is it.  I am willing to Love these folks.  I am willing to Love them because I feel, as well as believe, that Love heals.  I also believe that Love is essential to getting to the tipping point that brings about the world that works for all.  And I believe and feel deeply that a world in which everyone has the ability to thrive is not only possible but necessary, for the evolution of humanity. 

Alrighty then. I think we may be getting someplace.  So, you are willing to Love everyone.


So, what’s the first step?

Well, there’s that understanding thing.


Yes: Proverbs 4:7, 21st Century King James Version

"Wisdom is the principal thing, therefore get wisdom; and with all thy getting, get understanding."

Now we are getting someplace! So is this your prayer request. 



I know that there is a sacred, limitless Divine expression in, through, and as all things. I know that it is this Essence, that is the core of existence, that is breathing me and every living thing. I know that It is the cellular structure of that which I may not consider to be alive.  I know that this Infinitude expresses itself in the vast diversity of all things great and small.  It is from this place within me that I speak a heart-centered yes to understanding, to being and living from the Oneness that enfolds me and that I embrace.  My yes is the unconditional surrender to an availability to a greater understanding of the one and ones that I would not love.  My yes is a yes to trust. A yes to trusting the Divine to convert my fear to faith.  I am willing to understand and to see with and through the eyes of the Divine.  I am willing to do whatever is necessary to be the fullest expression of Love as me.  I am willing to treat and open my heart and to be guided to exactly who I am to be and what is mine to do.  I am grateful beyond measure for the impeccable manifestation of this word.  I am grateful for the Law that so sweetly, powerfully, and clearly acts upon this prayer. I now get all of my thinking out of the way and release this word, so that the Law can do what the Law does, which is to simply say Yes.  And So It Be.  Ache.  Amen. Ameen. Aho. 

Two things have happened, so far.  The first was listening to a radio interview of a Latino woman who is a leader in the Republican party. A woman of color.  I see you Spirit.  Instead of flipping the dial, I listened.  By the end of the interview, I understood her viewpoint.  I could even send her some love.  The second thing that happened is that I listened to an interview of a young white woman who was describing her feelings and beliefs based on information that she got from QAnon.  Again, instead of flipping the dial, I listened. In her describing who she is and how she obtains and processes information, I got some understanding.  And--this is the really good part--one of the things she said was that, before and of course, during, her Q days, she never listened to the news or read newspapers!  Hey, my SOM friends, does that sound familiar? Recommended even.  I going to leave you to work through that on your own. That last part gave me both some understanding and a really big out-loud laugh about that avoiding the news part!!!

In conclusion, not just as we approach Valentine’s Day, but for as many days as it takes to get there, I invite you to consider this idea: Love ye one another, as I have Loved you.  The Universe is Love.  And, BTW, Love is a shortcut through all those other commandments.  When we can authentically live from Love, all the rest of it takes care of itself.  I invite us to embrace Understanding and Trust in a power greater than we are, that we can use, and that can use us.  No, Love is not easy.  But what would be the fun in easy? Understanding is a pathway.  Take the first step.  Much Love.

Rev. D. Jaqueline Edwards 

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