Shifting tides cross the pond - a world that works for everyone, by Laura Topper

I have often contemplated deeply how a spiritual community can align and thrive as a global entity in 2022. Viewing the teachings and this blessed spiritual community through the sociocultural lens of being across the pond. Living in the UK, my birth land offers me an outlook that differs from those in the founding homeland of New Thought. I am no different in truth and nature from any other, I do, however, have one certain thing in common with a few other Science of Mind spiritual warriors based around the world, and that is a resourcefulness that pushes and pulls me to seek to show up and express in uniquely creative ways, that are not based in Spiritual Centre community life. You may call it outreach, focus practitionering, I see it as being an ambassador for the weird and wonderful diverse expression of me as this teaching, open at the top and over the pond, doing me and bringing the principles to those that are willing to receive them, in my way.

With the collective shifting in consciousness of what it means to ‘be spiritual’, vast populations of individuals globally are currently taking conscious action to choose their own way to express religious and spiritual ideas and concepts. I am not surprised at all to discover that the tendency to ‘change religions’ is on the rise. With ‘Islam growing faster than any other major religion and If current trends continue, by 2050,  the number of Muslims will nearly equal the number of Christians around the world.’ [wicki] whilst in the UK ‘over half (55%) of Britons say they do not belong to any particular religion.’ [], additionally in the United States, approximately 10% of Americans identify as atheists, compared with China - 91% and the United Kingdom - 73%.

I am not driven by statistics, and yet I like what I am learning here, and I embrace this movement, as this speaks to me of a Divine discontent, a shifting tide, and an out-picturing of the collective coming into a new idea/ concept of autonomy around personal and collective, spiritual and religions choice. Yes, there is a new emerging paradigm exposing itself as an awakened opportunity for knowing Oneness. This may at times feel like separation, and yet as a Religious Science forever student, I know that this is too is the One expressing humanity's desire to express a deeper awareness of freedom. The greater question in my heart is, what will it really take for this teaching, Science of Mind and Spirit, to leap from beyond the statistic of being the ‘10% other religion’ category to becoming humanities choice for spiritual understanding and embodiment?

As a practitioner and soon-to-be minister, I know that I am not here to change anything or anyone’s point of view. This teaching shows us how to think and not what to think, and it is our personal choice to take action to living a love-centered and peace-infused life. I also know that being the example, is required for transformation and transition into a new world that works for everyone. This world that works for everyone, a part of our Global Vision, has often bugged me as it often feels like a spiritual bypass, Disney slogan! I realise that as the Divine perfection, wholeness, and completeness, this world is working for everyone right now … the point is that we don't all always realise this, hence the messiness that out pictures and saddens our collective heart. I am invited to firstly be this vision, to be the change I want to see in the world. So how do I harmonise this within me?

As we collectively continue to decipher the political, social, religious, and medical policy and decision-making fiesta that seemingly has its intention set in confusing the masses, I can only root and ground myself in the knowing of one thing, that this too is God expressing, and that I too am the living Divine expression of God and that I have a choice in each and every moment and that my choice affects everything. When I read that my sisters in the US are being biologically controlled by governmental policymaking, my womb churns. When I hear of another race gun crime anywhere on our planet, I feel wounded within, and when I see victims of circumstance caught in the crossfire of waging war, I feel the terror of my Jewish family ancestors as they fled from Russia and Poland at the turn of the 19th Century and entered into the UK as immigrants.

Dr. Ernest Holmes states that he would rather know of one person profoundly practising and demonstrating the principles of Science of Mind than to have a thousand Practitioners uncertain of these teachings. As a ‘global’ community, beyond USA, Canada, and even Spanish-speaking countries, we are being called to more profoundly step into the vision of oneness and relinquish the need to hold onto the shore of Americanisms, and more fully embrace our sisters, brothers and others globally. Our greatest strength is the willingness to listen and our urge to transform.

It astounds me that Science of Mind and Spirit, this powerful, dynamic teaching of Truth, is not in every book store globally, on everyone’s lips, and in everyone's heart. I am amazed at how this teaching isn’t currently taught in all schools, in medical schools, universities, prisons, and hospitals around the globe. I am also quite amazed that these transformational mystical and metaphysical teachings have actually journeyed thus far outside of the USA, Canada, and Spanish-speaking communities! The paradox here for me is that as necessary as Science of Mind and Spirit is right now, the idea of this beloved collective Spiritual community intentionally prioritising and pollinating global awareness has only just begun to raise eyebrows. And so we are being called as a community to go much deeper, to truly know what global connection means, to practice deep outrageous listening, to live from childlike wonder, to speak authentic truthing, to pick up the phone and reach out and share, to be of service in action and a to have a profound willingness to see no pond.

In God, all things are possible, and I know that as I continue to transform my world within and expand my mental equivalent, that there has to be an uplifted outer demonstration of love, peace, joy, justice, abundance, beauty, and vitality for all. There is a calling on our hearts now to emerge from me to we, and we are being deeply moved and supported to each be the example of Oneness in action, treating and moving hands, heart, and feet. We are being not so gently reminded to ramp up the idea of service and truly live into the knowing of Oneness in action, no walls, distance, or ponds; now is the time for authentic connection and true understanding to be more than the vision, and to walk the talk of a world that works for everyone, everywhere.

And so it is

Laura Topper UK

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