Transforming the Image, by Rev. Celeste Frazier

I love the language that Ernest Holmes uses as he talks about illusions as images. Many people may not realize the stuff we make up are images that can be dispelled. He says: “the creative genius of the inner life transforms the image of limitation and transmutes it into liberty under law.” These “images” seem so real, but they are like a magician’s illusions that trick us into thinking something is - that truly is not.

When I identify myself as a victim, I can cling to this victimhood and identify the perpetrator as my personal torturer. I can imprison him in that role for years – decades even. Until I know that I have the choi
ce to see him as whole, I cannot see myself as whole either. That’s the rub. We cannot limit the capacity of someone else without limiting our self-image and thereby, limiting our own power and freedom. Evolutionary Truth is available to us!

Holmes tells us early and often in the Science of Mind textbook that ignorance stands in the way of this Truth. This Truth can and does eliminate limitation, evil, suffering and uncertainty. We need not just cling to the beauty of the language when we can immerse ourselves in this Truth. As scientists, we certainly have the obligation to experiment with this. As self-loving humans, we must give ourselves this liberation!

I have released an unforgiveness that I held for decades just by consciously choosing to see his wholeness. Holmes tells us the evolution of our consciousness brings new powers and higher possibilities. I cannot begin to tell you how much lighter I feel. I cannot describe how much love has been unleashed and how much compassion has become as natural as breathing. That’s progress in the greatest possible way.

If we continue to think that things will always be as they were and insist on things being as they were, we are imprisoning ourselves and preventing our own evolution. All we need is a seed of innocence. When we plant that seed in our consciousness, it must produce. He says: “Involution is the cause and evolution is the effect.”

We can even misuse this law by making ourselves villains. When we argue for our own limitations, the Law will continue to say yes. We can experience so much more Joy and Peace because Who We Are is everything we would ever want.

-Rev. Celeste A. Frazier

Celeste A. Frazier was the spiritual leader of three Centers for Spiritual Living. She speaks at New Thought centers and regional and international conferences. Celeste is a stimulating podcaster of Mystic Magic, which is on most podcast venues. She is a warm counselor who sees your beauty. She is a visioning facilitator and a passionate teacher and healer who seeks to reveal your Divine Light. Celeste directs outreach ministries, is a performer and produced screenwriter. Her books are on Amazon and Kindle. Her new app, Conscious Grace is in the Apple Store. Her website is

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