TheRe iS NO mAnUal, by Rev. Jill Brocklehurst-Booth

“We must relight the torch of our imagination by “fire caught from heaven.”[1]
Ernest Holmes

When I purchase a thingamajig I want to follow a detailed ‘how to’. The younger generations attack the new differently. I watch them poke around trying this and that until they achieve their desired result. It seems haphazard and inefficient but usually, while I have my nose on page 37 of the downloaded manual, they have things figured out.

I studied education and learning when homeschooling my children and discovered that, when left undirected, the creative genius relies on inner direction, transferable skills, and intuition to solve problems without fear of failure. Even though my son could read, he couldn’t spell a word. At 12 he was motivated to communicate through texting while playing online video games so, he used words others wrote to construct his own sentences. Repetition, desire, and fun made his self-directed experience a grand success.

“Without fear of failure.”

I was taught there is a right way and a wrong way. Getting it right brought certain rewards. Wrong brought a lot of shaming. I notice homeschooled kids see another way. But ‘another way’ doesn’t have a manual. Oh what to do with my conditioning?

Seth Godin says in his blog, Let's make school better,

“Education created the world we live in. Enforced, top-down, compliance-based education. By definition, it's scarce, it's accredited and there are tests to prove you did what you were told.

And now, a revolution is coming. It's about learning, not education. It's about being remote, about being in teams, about choosing to level up and committing to something important.

There is a creative genius within wanting to be loosed into the world of experience. There are no directions, no path to follow, no leader except that still small voice within.”

Ernest Holmes reiterates, “…being transformed from glory to glory, by reason of that Divine Urge within each one of us.”[2]

Even though I am a born rebel and ruckus maker, I struggle to hear the call of my inner voice. I am ridiculously good at following direction and seeking approval for a job well done. When given the freedom to make a choice, contributing from inner inspiration, I sit down and get quiet to hear the call… crickets, that’s it, silence. Science of Mind is a brilliant philosophy that teaches in order to reveal the greater truth of our divinity as wholeness and freedom in our life, we must lean in and do the deep inner personal work, step out of status quo, and discover what is in our hearts. But the silence is throwing me off.

I noticed on my runs I always look down, seeking out the roots and rocks that may cause me to stumble and fall. Today I happened to be texting and running, stepped on a large root… and was just fine. My body knew what to do. So I tried to look up at the forest and enjoy the scenery. I could hear the doubt and feel the desperate need to ‘control’.

So I begin my spiritual journey at Step One - Noticing things that deplete energy.

It is easy to discern what I don’t like. Often, when paying attention, I will notice I begin to yawn and start planning my escape route.

Step Two - Dream: Listening to my heart was the next step in the evolution of my conscious living journey and I came up with all kinds of crazy ideas. Some of them so far fetched that the doorway to begin was obscured and out of sight.

Step Three - Lean in: The real work began happening when I took these principles and committed to deepening with others.

I love (hmmmm, maybe not love) using tools shared in Dare to Lead by BrenĂ© Brown and 15 Commitments of Conscious Leadership by Jim Dethmer, Diana Chapman and Kaley Klemp … remember I like manuals … Here I am given steps to practice living powerful spiritual principles.

One of my favourites is the Clearing Model (info found It’s hard to move through tough conversations with people I care about and when I do, what reveals so clearly, are the belief systems I have, the armour I wear in the world, and the steps I can take to deepen in relationship. I have been practicing with these tools for about 3 years now and I still shake in my boots when my triggers come floating to the surface. But, there is no way out but through, and no guarantees regarding the results. I hold fast to the promises made in spiritual literature and take the leap of faith.

Ernest Holmes says,

“We do not create energy, we distribute it, and in the natural sciences we know that we can transform energy from one type to another.”[3]

Transformation happens and life expands. I continue to deepen my faith practices.

Jill Brocklehurst-Booth’s “Why Statement” (per Simon Sinek’s concept) is: “To pioneer through demonstration; teaching people how to find their joy so the world is a happier place for everyone, together”. This principle is at the core of everything she does. It is her profound belief that understanding demonstration is the root of freedom and the surest path to individual joy and connection.

Jill began her Science of Mind Studies 24 years ago, and has been the Spiritual Director at “The Centre” in Campbell River, on Vancouver Island, since 2003. Here, she incorporates the leadership ideas of contemporaries such as BrenĂ© Brown (Dare to Lead) or Jim Dethmer, Diana Chapman & Kaley Warner Klemp (The 15 Commitments of Conscious Leadership), while also deep-diving into the profound Truths found in the writings of mystics like Emma Curtis Hopkins, Joel Goldsmith and, of course, Ernest Holmes.

In-keeping with her “Why Statement”, Jill blends the wisdom she gleans from her own practice and from her many reference sources into enriching workshop and class experiences. She is in constant motion in her commitment to exploring new and inspired ways of bringing these teachings to others.


[1] Holmes, Ernest. The Science of Mind: The Definitive Edition (p. 218). Penguin Publishing Group. Kindle Edition.

[2] Holmes, Ernest. The Science of Mind: The Definitive Edition (p. 338). Penguin Publishing Group. Kindle Edition.

[3]Holmes, Ernest. The Science of Mind: The Definitive Edition (p. 193). Penguin Publishing Group. Kindle Edition.

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