Gender Neutral Language - Diversity and Inclusion

I used to have an on-the-fence attitude about gender neutral language, wondering what the fuss was all about, and questioning whether it was worth having to work out how to incorporate “them” and “their” or “him/her” and “his/hers.” It all seemed so tedious.

Then, I stumbled upon As a Women Thinketh, (originally titled As a Man Thinketh,) James Allen’s classic re-edited in feminine dominant language. I was spellbound by the edition and couldn’t put it down, because as I read it, I realized that it was not addressing me! I was excluded from the text. I was not part of the intended audience. And that was when I toppled over onto the gender-neutral side of the fence with a passion.

Spiritual Maturity?

I remember hearing a clergyman say that people who insisted on gender-neutral language were spiritually immature. I wanted to look him up and send him a copy of As A Women Thinketh with an invitation to consider what it might be like to read his Bible in female dominant language. I shared my plan with a colleague who introduced me to The Inclusive New Testament, by Priests for Equality. I abandoned my plan to find the clergyman, and instead began drinking in the beautiful language of gender neutral scripture.

Again, I was spellbound as I read these familiar and beloved passages in a whole new light. King became Sovereign, and beloved son became beloved child. And I realized that there is indeed a way to write so that the reader, regardless of gender, can feel a part of the intended audience.

Valuing Inclusion

Whereas at one time I thought “them” used as a gender-inclusive pronoun was simply bad English, now I see it as a cherished affirmation of the value of diversity inclusion, and also as having the enormous benefit of writing in a compassionate and inclusive style.

Rev. Edward Viljoen, DD (Hon.)
Centers for Spiritual Living, Spiritual Leader


  1. Bravo! Perspective is truly everything. And nonbinary language blows down the walls expanding any message to be more inclusive to all. (laughing) Even the word "all" has expanded beyond beyond. A'ho!

    1. Thank you, Lia, I agree. I love the image of the walls being blown down by language! :)


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